Kubernets examples

  1. Prepare data and code

You need to make sure that a distributed file system (eg, NFS) is mounted successfully either on each host machine or with PVC.

Put directory examples on it.

  1. Train and evaluate with local mode.

cd tf/ego_sage/k8s
kubectl apply -f local.yaml
  1. Train and evaluate with distribute mode.

With N GL Servers, we pre-split the source data with N partitions, then each Server read one of the parts to load.

cd tf/ego_sage/k8s
kubectl apply -f dist.yaml

dist.yaml is an example of launching a tensorflow-based GL job with 2 parameter-servers and 2 workers, using tf-operator. In this case, the same number of clients and servers of GL are co-placed with the workers and parameter-servers. The architecture is shown below.

Note: GL servers should use different grpc port with tf-PS.
