Integrating Other Data Sources

Data source plays an important role in GL, through which GL loads the raw data to build graph and sync states among distributed servers. The data source is implemented by a kind of file system. Currently, GL has implemented the file system interface to operate local files. When running distributedly, a distributed file system is needed. GL supports to be launched by KubeFlow and all servers access the file system by mounting NFS to local.

If it is difficult to configure your environment with KubeFlow and NFS, you NEED to implement a kind of file system to satisfy the requirements of GL.

File System Interface

The interface of file system defines the basic operation for file and directory, such as Exist, Create and Delete. Besides, we abstract three kinds of files that a file system should implement.


A ByteStreamAccessFile enables to read a file in byte stream. That is, you can create such a file reader, seek to an offset, and then read the next n bytes until reach the end.

virtual Status Read(size_t n, LiteString* result, char* buffer) = 0;

The GetFileSize() interface in file system should return the size in bytes for a ByteStreamAccessFile.


Different from ByteStreamAccessFile, StructuredAccessFile will consume the file in records instead of in bytes. That is, you can create such a file reader, seek to an offset, and then read the next Record until reach the end.

virtual Status Read(io::Record* result) = 0;

A Record contains several columns described by Schema. Each column value may be in type of Int32, Int64, Float, Double or String.

The raw graph data will be placed in StructuredAccessFiles, GL will load it and build graph index. Refer HERE for more supported raw data formats.

The GetRecordCount() interface in file system should return the size in records for a StructuredAccessFile.


A WritableFile enables to append pieces of data into a file, and does not care about what the format is.

virtual Status Append(const LiteString& data) = 0;

Register with Scheme

At last, register the new file system to the Environment. Each file system should has a unique scheme, such as hdfs://.

REGISTER_FILE_SYSTEM("scheme", MyFileSystem);

After registration, you can use such a file path when building Graph.
